Hello Hornets
Thank you for connecting with the Career Center for alumni services*. We currently serve Sacramento State alumni who have completed their Sac State degree. Due to limited bandwidth, we are unable to provide services to prospective students, non-matriculated/former students who have not graduated, and community members. Career Center services are offered for life at no expense to Sac State alumni who have completed their degree. For non-Sac State alumni from the CSU system, our services are offered at a fee (see CSU alumni fee). *Please note that due to our limited staff, alumni are limited to up to six appointments with a career counselor per calendar year.  
Sac State Alumni who graduated within the last two years (2022-2024): Do not use this form. Please schedule an appointment under Students from our Career Center website using your Saclink credentials. Forgot password? Visit IRT password help.
Sac State Alumni who graduated over two years ago: Please fill out this form (see form below) to request an appointment with career counseling staff.  We are also requesting that you make only ONE appointment at a time. NOTE:  This form is not a scheduled appointment. Please request appointment dates at least one week in advance and wait for a confirmation email from our staff. We will try our best to schedule your appointment on your preferred dates and times. If you do not see a confirmation email from us within 2 weeks, please email careercenter@csus.edu
If you need assistance sooner or if you are not an alum, we encourage you to contact Sac State's Center for Counseling & Diagnostic Services, Sacramento Public Library Career Development Services, Sacramento Food Bank Job Development Assistance, and Sacramento Works for community counseling and job resources and to check out Big Interview (code: hornets) for resume and interview preparation advice. You may also visit the Alumni Association resources page for additional alumni resources.

Please contact careercenter@csus.edu if questions or concerns.
Please Select a Service
Were you referred by the Center for Counseling and Diagnostic Services (CCDS)?